A downloadable game

This was the main project I was working on while I partook in the Mastered Bootcamp. My aim for this project was to increase my familiarity with Unreal Engine 5.  

In this vertical slice you play as a customisable robot that can have it's parts changed which in turn changes it's abilities and appearance (this feature was inspired by games such as custom robo arena and LBX).  

To earn credits to buy more parts, you can try to complete the test stage,  every completion will reward you with 10 credits.


Left MB: Ability 1

Right MB Ability 2

Space: Jump (or Air jump if airborne)

This project utilises mainly c++ code but also uses Blueprints

Github repo: https://github.com/Kurovah/ProjectARMS



Data Assets:

Main method of storing data was to use Data Assets. For this to work I created data asset classes that all inherit from a base attachment data asset class. I added the extra layer of abstraction so that it would be easier to reference the in other functions.

Locking and Unlocking:

To allow the game for have locked content, I created a struct that holds a pointer to the the attachment's data, wether it's been unlocked or not and it's price in the shop. I Then created a Data asset the holds a list of these, which is later referenced by the  Gameinstance and allows the unlock status of all items to be accessible in any scene. 

This is mainly used by the shop and garage as the listings displayed are dependant on the  unlock status.


Hitbxes are a sphere mesh that check to see if they overlap with a hurtbox child actor component, if they do that they first check to see that the actor the hurtbox belongs to is not thier own actor and that create a hit context for the hurtbox to use on it's own actor. 

All Hitboxes are spawned in by and reference a manager, which is what they use to check if they are hitting thier own actor. I also make sure that projectiles also reference the actor that created them's manager so I don't end up with a null reference


ProjectARMS.zip 185 MB

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