AI Pet sim
A downloadable game
This was a short protype made for a Creator Challenge while I partook in the Masted Bootcamp. The task for this challenge was to create a project that utilises Unreal Engine's AI system.
This project was made using blueprints only with assests created by myself.
Github repo:
AI tree:

The Ai system for Unreal allowed me to craft different behaviour patterns for AI controlled Characters in the worlds, the graphs typically look like the one above, in this case when this brcah is reached the AI will first check if there still items left for it to eat and wether it is hungry, if both of these conditions are fufilled then a sequence starts where the Actor get's the nearnest item, goes up to it and then eats it.
Checking for food left:
The decorator for checking whether there's food left looks like this. For it to return a boolean I overrode it's "perform condition check function". The rest of the the function is the standard fare of checking to see if the list of items the Actor had sensed is not empty
Spawing block blobs:
For spawning blobs I created a function that recursively calls itself on a timer,. to make the blob spawing more dynamic, I applied a force in a random direction.
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